BOOK-D 2015

BOOK-D 2015 : « Spin-crossover discussions » – 2-3rd July

The first Bordeaux Olivier Kahn Discussions had taken place at the ICMCB, the 2nd and 3rd of july 2015.

The topic discussed during these two days was devoted to spin-crossover materials, was jointly organized by the ICMCB and the CRPP.

Organization committee:

  • Guillaume Chastanet
  • Corine Mathonière
  • Patrick Rosa
  • Philippe Guionneau
  • Rodolphe Clérac
  • Pierre Dechambenoit
  • Elizabeth Hillard

17 speakers from Europe had presented their recent works in 25 minutes, leaving a lot of time for deep discussions. A poster session has also taken place. The booklet of this BOOK-D, in which the program and the organisation are detailed.