BOOK-D 2016

BOOK-D 2016 : « Functional Molecule Based Materials » – 26-28 May

The 2nd BOOK-D conference took place in picturesque Bordeaux, France, on {{May 26-28, 2016}}. This annual event, jointly organized by the Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (CRPP) and the Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB), is this year devoted to Functional Molecule-Based Materials in its broadest definition including for instance:

  • Molecular magnetism
  • Metal-organic frameworks
  • Multifunctional materials
  • Conducting materials
  • Coordination chemistry

A number of active experts in these fields of research  have joined this meeting to discuss their most recent findings.

Conference chairs:

  • Kasper S. Pedersen (CRPP, ICMCB)
  • Rodolphe Clérac (CRPP)
  • Corine Mathonière (ICMCB)

Local organizing committee:

  • Guillaume Chastanet (ICMCB)
  • Nathalie Daro (ICMCB)
  • Pierre Dechambenoit (CRPP)
  • Cédric Desplanches (ICMCB)
  • Philippe Guionneau (ICMCB)
  • Elizabeth Hillard (CRPP)
  • Mathieu Marchivie (ICMCB)
  • Jun-Liang Liu (CRPP)
  • Abhishake Mondal (CRPP)
  • Patrick Rosa (ICMCB)
  • Daniel Rosario Amorin (CRPP)
  • Mathieu Rouzières (CRPP)

Scientific program :
